
Electric vine tying machine : Convenient and fast and efficient and safety

Electric vine tying machine : 
Convenient and fast and efficient and safety

   If your tapener at least 100 hrs /year and Use typically hand tapener machine Considrantion Electric tapener tying machine
that you can save more  and reduce your risk for serious injury and let your work Efficient and safety.

  What is Electric vine tying machine ?
   Electric tying device is hand taperner tying machine by and electric battery pack that you wear around your waist .

    How electric vine tying machine work ?
    Electric tying device use battery connect the tying machine you just can pressure the tigger the 
   vegetable and vineyard and trees will be twist together .And all -days  can works 8 hrs and weight just only 0.75kgs .
   Unlike hand tapener machine that instantly tying when activated.Electric tying machine can protect the vineyard and orchard tree 
   and vegetable branch coz alway the wire have paper and pvc and staninless steel material for choice .
   These Electric tying machine tapener only knot just only 0.5s . it will be convenient and fast and efficient and safety 

Efficient. Electric vine tying machine are considerably more efficient than manual tapener tying machine 
 when tying the heavy stock
 and you may be able to cut tapener twist time by 30% . Because electric power makes the tapener , 
you will also reduce strain and fatigue in your arms, wrists, hands, and fingers so you can more easily work for a longer period of time, 
even on thicker wood. Hand fatigue after several hours can cause workers who use manual taperner tying machine to make 
 slower, more ragged cuts, but with electronic tying device you get a smooth clean cut hour after hour. Clean cuts reduce 
the risk of infection in the pruning wound.

Profitable. Although electronic vine tying machine have a higher up front cost than manual tapener tying machine ,
they can easily pay for themselves in certain situations. If you do a lot of shaping, elevation pruning, or topiary work 
that requires larger cuts on heavy stock you’ll recover your costs quickly. An electronic tying device plus accessories 
costs $500 and up. If you can prune 20% more stock in the same time with electronic grape tying machine as with manual
ones, and if you do 300 hours of pruning each year, you can pay for the additional cost of electronic grape tying machine
in about half years (see table). You might also save money by reducing health care costs and time off work
due to medical problems. Evaluate your tapener tying  before you purchase tools. Workers who tapener for 
vineyard and vegetable and form usually have more training than those who do maintenance
Does one person tend to do this type of Tapener tying in your nursery? If that person Hand tapener tying machine
a lot each season, the payback period is quicker, especially for older workers or those more prone to repetitive stress injury.
Of nine nurseries in Oregon who trialed these Tapener tying machine through the Oregon Nursery Association, 
four were interested in buying them

Less risk of serious injury. Using Electric tying machine requires both strong forces
and a strong grip. This repeated effort can strain your hands, arms and fingers. Steady tapener tying work 
over days and weeks can sometimes produce “overuse” injuries in the fingers, hand or wrist. One of the most 
common wrist disorders associated with pruning is carpal tunnel syndrome, a musculoskeletal disorder that costs, 
on average, about $10,000 in medical costs alone to fix. In one study of vineyard tying workers, 20% reported hand 
or arm pain using manual pruners compared to 13% using electric tying device .Electric vine tying machine best 
for avoiding fatigue and protectingagainst injury risk .
Different Wire break down time is different Using Electric tying machine you will found different place 
need different break down time then it can protect the vegetable and vineyard and orchard trees branch .

Where do I get one?
Kingson interzcool co.,limited   www.interzcool.com Email is jason@interzcool.com

